Friday, March 28, 2008

More Teams Sign Up! / EARTH HOUR celebration

Hi there!

Just checking in to say hello and to give you an update on our Adopt a Beach program.

The front page write up in the Sun Post Times really got people's attention. The phones have been ringing off the hook. It seems that there are many many people out there like us who care about the environment and want to pitch in to keep the trails and beaches clean. We now have ten new team members joining us in our efforts, and I still have several more people to call back. Exciting!

Wicks Team is ON IT!
I received the first data collection sheet this week from the Wicks team. In addition to the usual trash of cigarette butts (139 of them!) styrofoam (230 little pieces) etc., they also found treasure! In this case the treasure was the people they encountered. One of them (Mark) was so inspired by what they were doing that he rushed home to contact me and adopted his own stretch of sand. A gold sea star to the Wicks team for great follow through and positive PR.

This Saturday (March 29th) we all have an opportunity to participate in an exciting global event on a local level. Gary and Laurie Headrick, founders of San Clemente Green, are the organizers. I'm happy to say that they are also part of the Watershed Taskforce and leaders of two Adopt a Beach teams! Put on a green sweater or hoodie and join us on Del Mar tomorrow night from 8:00 - 9:00pm. For more information check out the articles in the San Clemente Times and the San Clemente Sun Post News:

That's all the news for now. Thanks for all that you do! - Sherry

Monday, March 17, 2008

2008 Kickoff!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

2008 Kickoff!
Hi there! Let me start off by saying how much fun I had meeting all of you at the Kickoff event. There was so much positive energy on the pier that morning with prior team members reuniting and new people coming on board. Lots of stories and ideas got shared over the coffee and muffins! Ever since that day, I've been pondering on how we might keep that spirit of camaraderie and collaboration going...

Fast forward to Saturday - I was out enjoying the sunshine when Aha! the idea came to me to create this blog for us. Will it do the trick? Time will tell. Also, I am counting on each of YOU to share with me (and each other) your ideas and opinions. It is easy to do - just click on the comment feature at the end of the posting and let your "voice" be heard!

Other items:

FORMS: I'm still waiting to get completed Registration and/or Volunteer Release forms from several teams. Please fax those in to 949-481-1847 without further delay!

PUBLICITY: The Kick Off was covered by our local papers (Sun Post News and San Clemente Times). In case you missed it, here are the links: (March 13-19 edition - bottom of page 4) (Friday, March 14 edition - Front Page!)

APPRECIATION: Once again, on behalf of the Watershed Task force, I want to shout out a huge THANK YOU to each of you for showing up and stepping up as good stewards of our precious coastline!

That's all for now - Enjoy! - Sherry