Don't let the picture fool you - this was probably the only time we sat down all day! The Earth Day Event was a whirlwind of activity - team members stopping by to say hello, dropping off forms and picking up supplies. To all of you who dropped by - thank you! I hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did. (By the way, the handsome man in this photo is my husband Vernon. From working the "front lines" handing out information and t-shirts to providing "behind-the-scenes" technical expertise, he is a great champion for the Adopt a Beach program!)
More Appreciation I also want to recognize the following individuals who helped out at the Watershed
Task Force tent through out the day:
- Briana Denney
- Andrea Toscano De Souza
- Nanci Mavar
- Bill Hart
- Ron & Melisa Perugini
TWELVE (12) MORE TEAMS SIGN UP! By the end of the day we had 12 more teams signed up:
Our newest adopters include:
- Roderiguez Family
- Team Austin
- Boatright Family
- Riley Girls
- Ogden Bunch
- Jefferson Family
- Eco Systers or Team Mar-Brillo (final name to be determined)
- Ollie's Klean Kooks
- Fresh Ocean
- Zeweski Girls
- Cole Surfboards
Team Name Change
The Hoffman Family team name has been changed to Revenge of the Ronanites
Nine (9) Sections Are Now MAXED OUT!Nine of the 22 sections of beach have reached the 3 team limit and are closed to further adoption.
List of Locations and Teams
To see an updated list of teams by location click here
Data Collection Totals for MarchTo see a summary report of activity and items collected during the month of March,
click hereCoordination of Schedules between TeamsNow that we are doubling and tripling up on teams per section, it has become clear that there needs to be a centralized way for teams to connect with each other and coordinate clean up schedules. It is also clear that my plate is already too full to take on this additional level of coordination. Fortunately, Briana Denney, another Adopt a Beach volunteer, is stepping up to take this on. Yeah! So please be patient a little while longer, hold off on sending me your email requests for contact information, and expect to hear from Briana in the very near future.
Supply Pick UpFor any team leaders who did not make it to the Earth Day and still need to get their supplies, the next opportunity will be Tuesday May 15
th, 6:30pm - immediately following the Watershed
Task Force Meeting - in front of the Community Development Building at 910
Calle Negocio. I'll plan on sticking around
for a few minutes after the meeting. Just look for the blue
Prius filled with Adopt a Beach t-shirts, buckets and calipers!
What do you think of the Blog so far? Do you have an idea or suggestion that you feel like sharing with me and the other Adopt a Beach Team Leaders? Then please, let your voice be heard!
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- Navigate to the end of the post that you wish to comment on.
- Click on the "# comments" or "post a comment" link
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