The Search is on for the next Adopt a Beach Program Manager/Volunteer Coordinator!
Yes, my wonderful friends, neighbors and fellow ocean advocates – it is true. I am preparing to take on some new responsibilities/ adventures and feel that this is the best time to turn the program leadership over to someone new. I was just getting ready to contact my friends at Surfrider and ask them to post something on their website (after all – that’s how you got me :). Then I thought, hey, wait a minute – there is probably someone already on one of our Adopt a Beach teams that would be perfect to take this on.
Might that someone be you?
If so, shoot me an email to let me know of your interest ASAP. And just so you know – it is a voluntary gig. Personally rewarding – yes! But, alas, no monetary compensation.
My plan is to have our new program manager/volunteer coordinator in place (and filling my Rainbow sandalsJ) no later than May11th.
Now, on to the the business at hand...
My plan is to have our new program manager/volunteer coordinator in place (and filling my Rainbow sandalsJ) no later than May11th.
Now, on to the the business at hand...
The February Data is In
And it was another successful month! Have I told you guys lately how much I appreciate you? A gold sea star and a big round of virtual applause for all the vounteers on these dedicated teams:
- Joe Zoller Team
- F.I.S.H. - ST. John's Youth Group
- SC Sunrise Rotary Club
- SC Green
- Wicks Family
- SC Historical Society
- Lemly Family
- Weller Family
- Seaview Pharmacy
- Beach Master
Awesome! For a look at the full report click here: http://greenwaveleadership.com/Adopt%20a%20Beach/AdoptABeachMonthlySummaryFebruary2009.pdf
Quote of the Month:
In closing, I thought I would share with you another one of my favorite quotes.
"Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we cannot eat money." Cree Indian Proverb