May 2009 Monthly Report:
Thanks to the following teams for cleaning up in May!
Joe Zoller Team
Miller/Wood Family
Jefferson Family
Canfield Family
SC Sunrise Rotary Club
Wicks Family
Lemly Family
Lausen's Boardrider Club
Seaview Pharmacy
Chapman Family
Beach Master
Eads & Others Team
Welcome to the new teams joining us this summer:
Hodson Family
Nonaca Family
Winkelmann Family (shown on right)
We now have many openings available for new teams, so if you know of anyone who may want to join us in adopting a beach, please have them contact me at!
Coming up...
Summer time is full of exciting events in San Clemente!
July 4th - Independence Day: A big day for all of us, and the day after is one of the best times to get all the good trash ;) Have fun & please plan on hitting the beach post-4th of July!
July 18th & 19th - 2009 Ocean Festival: Come visit us at the festival!
September 3rd - Adopt-a-Beach Team Party: Our last party was a great success, so we've decided to have another one. On Sept. 3, please join us at the Community Center on Del Mar Avenue for another evening full of food, drinks, good times...and a bit of business.
September 18th - Art Auction: Mark your calendars for the biggest Adopt-a-Beach/San Clemente Watershed Task Force event of the year, the Annual Art Auction! This event keeps our program going, so invite your friends! As usual, it will be held at the Community Center on Del Mar Ave.
September 19th - California Coastal Cleanup Day: As if you needed an official day to cleanup! The Adopt-a-Beach program is sponsoring a special cleanup day in conjunction with this state-wide event to bring awareness to the San Clemente community. On this day, ask a friend to join you in a beach or neighborhood cleanup!
Summer Beach/Train Cleanups: There will be various scheduled community cleanups taking place this summer. As they come up, I will forward the details to you via email! Keep those bags and buckets close by!