2010 so far for me has been full of time spent with family (including a now 1-year old son), friends, and work. Sound familiar? If you're like me, who lives and play near the ocean, it has been rare for you to find time to fulfill your volunteer commitments to the beach. That's ok! Because together we are making a difference in our community and on the environment! Thanks to the following teams for cleaning the beach in 2010 so far...
- The City of San Clemente Commondation - see document on website
- The Earth Day Beach Cleanup - over 200 volunteers through the Disney program and 2 dumpsters of trash picked up!
- Earth Day Festival - Blue Water Business Awards & I received the Stephanie Dorey Award - Thank You!
The 5th of July "Morning After" Beach Cleanup - over 50 volunteers & 1 dumpster of trash picked up!
Upcoming events in 2010 include:
- September 10 - 5th Annual Live Art Auction!!! 6:00 pm @ San Clemente Art Gallery (the community center on Ave. Del Mar). $10 per person (refunded with purchase). Complimentary Food and Beverages! To reserve a spot, email info@scwatersheds.com
- September 25 - California Coastal Cleanup Day!!! We need volunteers. Please email info@scwatersheds.com
- More beach cleanups to be announced...
City of San Clemente - Styrofoam Ordinance
The City of San Clemente has prepared a Negative Declaration for the Draft Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Expanded Polystyrene Disposable Food Service Ware, which is available for public review and comments through September 9, 2010. Available through the city website are resources to assist food service businesses with finding alternative products and a list of vendors that supply these products. Click here for more information.
State of California AB 1998 - Plastic Bag Ban
This month we have a real opportunity to adopt legislation in California to ban single use plastic grocery bags once and for all. But the plastics industry is spending thousands of dollars on a misleading campaign to derail the proposal. We need your immediate help if we're going to put a stop to the 36,000 plastic bags disposed in California every minute:
Fax/Email your State Senator and Urge their Support for AB 1998;
Sign-up to receive daily updates and action alerts on the legislation;
Make an online contribution today to support our campaign.
In the next four weeks the California legislature will take final votes on AB 1998 (Brownley), legislation that will promote a shift to reusable bags and prohibit grocery, liquor and convenience stores from distributing single-use plastic bags.Think about what that means: 52 million plastic bags a day eliminated! What does that mean for you? We would still be able to "purchase" plastic bags, and this type of legislation is proven to reduce the occurence of plastic bag use and disposal very quickly!
Poche Beach Bacteria Study
The City of San Clemente has partnered with Weston Solutions of Carlsbad to implement a bacteria-source study for the Prima Deshecha watershed? Poche Beach is the point of the largest amount of run-off drainage within the San Clemente watershed, and because a large amount of bacteria is associated with the run-off, Poche Beach is often rated F for water quality. This means that it is unsafe for swimming, which is the #1 designated use for all waters of the United States! In an effort to improve water quality to Poche Beach, this bacteria-source study will consist of discrete sampling points in the Prima Deschecha watershed to identify the areas where the most bacteria is coming from.
Corps of Engineers Beach Erosion Study
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is nearing completion of a beach erosion study and proposed sand replenishment project. A Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Report is available for public review through September 23, 2010. The report is available at the San Clemente Public Library or through the City’s website via the link below. A public workshop will be held on August 19 at 910 Calle Negocio at 7pm.
Graffiti Hotline
Did you know that there is a San Clemente Grafitti Hotline? If you see grafitti in your neighborhood, please call (949) 361-8385. Response within 24-hours!