Peace to you and all you love - Sherry &Vernon
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
December 18th - Day without a Bag

Paper or Plastic? Neither!
The Watershed Task force is teaming up with San Clemente Green and other local environmental groups to participate in Heal the Bay's outreach effort of A Day Without a Bag.
Tomorrow (Thursday, December 18) we'll be asking holiday shoppers to "bag the disposable bag habit" and choose reusable bags - even if just for a day. The hope is that as people become more aware of the environmental impacts they will opt to BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag) all the time.
Volunteer members of our reusable bag coalition will be stationed at various locations in San Clemente. We'll be out raising awareness & gifting shoppers with free reusable bags and the opportunity for positive action. I'm signed up as site captain/team leader for the Ralph's Camino de Estrella location. We will be there from 4:00 to 6:00 pm -so if you are out in that area, please stop by to say hello. Other ways you can lend your support is to pass the word to your friends and family.
Choose Buckets over Bags!
Not so much for shopping (although it certainly earns you points for flair and thinking outside the bag!). No, in this case I am referring to our beach clean up activities. While on one hand we are working to keep plastics and other debris out of the ocean (and doing a mighty fine job of it I might add!), we are inadvertently adding to the landfill problem whenever we use plastic bags to collect and dispose of the trash. Do you see the irony in all this? How about a visual. Picture, if you can, 463 bags of trash piled into a landfill. That is the total number of bags of trash that our Adopt a Beach teams have collected and disposed of over the past 8 months. Compare that with the 226 buckets that were collected.
I know that you'll agree that we would like to see less of what we collect during our clean ups going directly to our landfills. Our founder, the late Stephanie Dorey, had that in mind when she created this program. You see we are unique from other clean up efforts in that we provide each team with a reusable bucket and calipers (vs disposable plastic bags and latex gloves). I think the challenge is that we have grown so much and have added larger teams with a rotating number of volunteers. Still, with a little awareness, creativity, and leadership from all of you - it can be done.
So, I propose that we shoot for greatly reducing (if not eliminating) the use of disposable bags and gloves during our clean ups. Are you up for the challenge? What are your thoughts on this? Get in touch with me (either by commenting on this blog, sending me an email, or writing/typing a comment on your next data collection sheet) I will compile the info that I receive and we can identify your challenges and come up with solutions. To jump start your creativity, here are some suggestions that have come my way already:
- gardening gloves, rubber dish washing gloves, or work gloves instead of disposable latex
- large canvas shoulder bags (like city workers use) and just reuse each time
- large mesh bags (like those used to wash lingerie) can be hosed off or laundered
- city could provide empty sandbags to use for collections, dump and return post cleanup
- team leaders set the tone/educate and request volunteers bring their own reusable materials
Looking forward to hearing what you come up with! It's fun to explore possibilities. Need inspiration? Then check out this video -
Monday, December 8, 2008
And the Gold Sea Stars for November Go To...

The Twelve Teams
Who Showed Up & Cleaned Up!
Joe Zoller Team
Flotsam & Jetsam Crew
Jefferson Family
F.I.S.H. - St. John's Youth Group
SC Sunrise Rotary Club
Wicks Family
SC Historical Society
Weller Family
Lausuens Boardriders Club
Chapman Family
Headrick Family
Beach Master
Thanks to these teams (with the usual above and beyond efforts of Mark Aubrey/Beach Master) over 15,848 pieces of trash were removed from our beaches and trail this month. So even though most of the tourists have gone home and the beaches appear relatively clean this time of year, your clean ups are still making a huge difference.
Catch of the Month
The Most Unusual Item of The Month goes to our newest team - F.I.S.H. (St. John's Youth Group). In addition to the usual plethora of cigarette butts, styrofoam, and bottle caps this team found a switch blade (!) on their adopted section. What?! You just never know what you'll find. Anyway, we're all glad that's outta there. Nice job, kids! On a lighter note, if you need some last minute items for holiday gift giving see the Beach Master. He netted 2 cell phones, 3 swim goggles, 1 dive mask and several items of clothing. : )
To see the Summary report, click on the link below.
I'll be blogging again soon to tell you about an important event that's coming up on December 18th. Hints: Sea Turtles Don't Shop / Ban the Bag Monster! Until then, I will leave you with my favorite star fish "story". There are many versions out there. I believe all are adaptations from the Star Thrower by Loren Eisely (1907-1977). No doubt you already know of it, but it is a good reminder of how our seemingly small efforts can make a big difference. Hopefully this link will work - if not just copy and paste into your browser. Here it is:
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Over the River and Through the Woods...

But first, here's a quick shout out/Happy Thanksgiving to my Adopt a Beach family with a link to a website you might enjoy:
Food for thought - and calorie free!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
October Trick or Treat?

There were so few data sheets coming in that I began to suspect that both my fax machine and PC were bewitched.
I tried to keep my spirits up, but was beginning to doubt that there was even a ghost of a chance that I would be reporting good numbers this month.
But then, like magic the data sheets started coming in. Not many - just 6 teams - a mere skeleton crew from the 48 teams listed on the Adopt a Beach roster. did we do? Did our 6 month winning streak finally come to an end? Or can we now claim 7 straight months of keeping all 22 sections of beach/trail clean? Click on the link below to find out. But first - let's raise a glass of apple cider and toast the six teams who gave us a spooktacular first rate effort this month:
Joe Zoller & Friends
San Clemente Green
Headrick Family
Weller Family
Eads & Others
Beach Master
To see the Summary report, click on the link below.
The St. Johns Youth Group - team name F.I.S.H. (Friends in Serving Him) - have decided to lend their considerable energy and enthusiasm to our cause. The leader of the group is an impressive young lady by the name of Caili McDaniel.
Caili and her team selected Section 8 - Volley Ball Court to Marine Safety (north side) as their adopted beach/trail. Youth taking leadership roles and actively working to preserve the environment - it makes my heart sing.
Our Blog Cover Model - Rupert the Pumpkin
Before I forget - I want to be sure and give credit to Rupert - our quirky cover model - and Steve Polatnick -the genius who discovered him. I invite you to check out Steve's website at
That's the scoop for October. I hope to see more teams out there doing their part in November. It's a great way to stay in shape during the holidays. More beach walking/clean up activity translates to an extra slice of pumpkin pie at the dinner table. So if the idea of racking up the good Karma doesn't motivate you, maybe your sweet tooth will. (wink/wink - big smile)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
September Summary - It doesn't Get More Exciting Than This...

Beach Master in the News...Local Man Adopts a Beach and Saves a Life...
Yep - that's our very own Mark Aubrey (aka Beach Master) making headlines. This time, it is not for his extraordinary dedication to the Adopt a Beach program (for which he has long been our hero). This time he really outdid himself. It seems that being a record breaking clean up legend on the Adopt a Beach team is no longer enough for him. Oh no. (Head shake) Now he has to go off jumping into the water and saving people. Way to raise the bar Beach Master. How can the rest of us mere mortals ever live up to that? Ha. Seriously, we couldn't be more proud of you Mark. You never cease to amaze us - and that is just the way we like it! (Big Smile)
The story was picked up by the OC Register with favorite local reporter Fred Swegles providing the scoop and Paul Bersebach snapping the awesome photos. (Thumbs Up)
Here is the link in case you missed it:
The September Data Is In!
There were 12 teams this month who were walking the walk and not just talking the talk. And in the process of walking, managed to pick up a lot of junk from the beach and trail. Thanks to these hard working folks, we can proudly proclaim that for the sixth month in a row every stretch of beach has been cleaned at least twice. Awesome Awesome Awesome. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
To see the September Beach cleanup summary
click here.
September Fundraising
The live Art Auction was a blast. When I wasn't drooling (figuratively/not literally!) over the donated treasures or rubbing elbows with artists and art lovers in the community I did my part by keeping the wine flowing. (To the wine glasses of the attendees glasses not my own!) Fun Fun Fun. I spotted members from the following Adopt a Beach teams bidding away - Historical Society, Sunrise Rotary Club, City Council, Judy Jones for Assembly, and probably many others of you were there too. I was too busy to do any bidding myself but luckily Vernon arrived in the nick of time with the checkbook. We now have two of Jim Proett's masterpieces hanging on display in our home. According to Nanci Mavar, the event netted $4,200 for the Watershed Task force. (Cha ching!) I'm including the link so you can read the full write up, including the list of artists who donated their work. In return, please repay the favor whenever you can by supporting our local artists. Check it out...
Just today, I heard through the grapevine (hint: Nanci Mavar) that Mary Vondrak with the City of San Clemente Environmental Programs Department has secured a grant that will provide an additional $3,000 to support clean ocean efforts. (cartwheels). Lookin' good on the fundraising front.
AT Last...Smoking Banned on the Trail
Great news - on September 29th a new law went into effect banning smoking on all municipal trails. Hopefully that will translate to fewer cigarette butts showing up in our our bags and buckets. Depending, of course, on how well it gets enforced. Anyway, it's a start! Thanks to all of you who have been consistently counting, logging and sending in the data from your cleanups. This is the kind of hard data that gets considered when making public policy. Good incentive to keep those data sheets and your comments and suggestions coming to me. Sometimes it takes awhile, but this is a real relevant current example of how we can influence change. Kudos to the City Council. And Kudos to You - all the Adopt a Beach teams out doing the work. I'm learning that activism isn't always loud and bigger than life. In fact, a lot of the time it is subtle and behind the scenes and involves getting your hands (or in our case gloves) dirty. And it is frequently tedious work - like counting cigarette butts or adding up data from a stack of faxed in data sheets. But it is powerful and important. It helps to remember that.
I have the link to that news article too - here it is for your reading pleasure:
California Coastal Cleanup
This was also the month for the annual coastal cleanup. Even though it was the morning after the art auction (and required getting up early on a Saturday- groan) I couldn't miss that one! And I'm sure glad I didn't. Danna McIntosh, Mary Vondrak, Bill Hart and I teamed up to sign in volunteers, issue cleaning materials, supply refreshments, and answer questions. We also laughed a lot. If you know these guys you understand what I am talking about. Among the many volunteers who showed up, I recognized some familiar faces from our Adopt a Beach family including Kristi Kindred and members of her group from the Sunrise Rotary Club. All in all, volunteers bagged up over 345 pounds of litter including 70 pounds of recyclables. Impressive! Of course what would be even more impressive is if we could keep this stuff from getting on the beach in the first place!
Check out Danna's article in the OC Register:
On a related note, Mary Vondrak forwarded the tally sheet so I could include it in the blog. To see the results from the annual Coastal Cleanup day click here.
Whew! September was a news filled month for the Adopt a Beach program. Now I wonder what delights October will bring? Stay tuned...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
August Update - Five Consecutive "Wows!"
August proved to be yet another successful month for the Adopt a Beach Program - this makes the FIFTH CONSECUTIVE MONTH that all 22 sections have been cleaned at least twice. This was due to the collective efforts of 13 dedicated teams, including the amazing Beach Master. Many thanks and Much Appreciation!
For the full report clickhere
Speaking of thanks and appreciation, we hosted our first Adopt a Beach team social at the Ole Hanson Community Center this month. It was a fun evening with pizza,prizes,and a presentation.
Community Support:
This event was made possible through the support of community sponsorship. Ron Perugini,local business owner and Vice President of the Watershed Taskforce, rallied his friends in the Auto industry to donate the funding for our team party. Our thanks to the following for their generosity and support:
Ron Perugini ($250)
Sam Clemente Auto Wrecking
JC and Mary Krumpols ($250)
AVI Commerical Insurance
Michael Daley ($100)
Ray’s Auto Repair
Gary Giaominis ($100)
Rincon Truck Center
Save the Dates
There are two big events coming up during September to add to your calendars. The San Clemente Art Auction (Sept. 19th) and the California Coastal Cleanup Day (Sept. 20th).
The Annual San Clemente Artist Association Art Auction
The San Clemente Art Association partners with the Task Force to present our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year. This funding is necessary to pay for Adopt a Beach supplies and to present the Annual Earth Day San Clemente event. The event will be held at the Art Gallery at the Ole Hanson Community Center, on September 19th, from 6:00 - 8:00pm. It will be a gathering of Adopt a Beach team members, Watershed Taskforce representatives, local artists, art lovers, and other kindred spirits. Speaking of spirits - I hear there will be wine and delectable goodies to munch on while mingling and bidding on beautiful art pieces. Tell your friends and come out and join us! If you're lucky you could walk away with a treasured work of art at a great price.
California Coastal Cleanup Day
The very next morning, September 20th, our beaches will be getting some extra attention/TLC as part of the annual California Coastal Cleanup Day. To join in, you will need to register with Mary Vondrak. Her phone number is (949) 361-8204 and email is This event is scheduled to run from 9:00am - 12:00pm.
That's all for now. Thanks again for being part of this important program and for making a difference one bucket at a time! - Sherry
Monday, August 11, 2008
Here's What We Did In July
We teamed up with Surfrider - Anticipating that the beaches would be extra trashed after the 4th of July celebration, Surfrider initiated a special "morning after the mess" cleanup. Bright and early on the 5th (no easy task after a night of celebration but hey, it's for the environment right?) Vernon and I met up with Surfrider buddy Mike Epeneter on the beach by the pier. We handed out cleanup supplies to approximately 20 people who were happy to help out. Just look at those smiles!
We got some extra help from the City - While there was plenty of small stuff remaining - cig butts, balloon pieces, and (curses!) styrofoam - we were all pleasantly surprised to see that the beaches were looking pretty good. Not your typically morning after the 4th! Apparently the city staff had been working all through the night and into the early morning to make that happen. I heard several positive comments from beach goers and even got some inquiries from adopt a beach team members. Kudos to Dennis Reed and all the workers for an awesome job.
We had another amazing month of Adopt a Beach team activity. Now for the 4th month running we have managed to get every section of the beach cleaned at least twice. You guys continue to raise the bar - for July every beach was cleaned no less than 3 times and one section was cleaned 14 times! There has never been anything like this in the history of the Adopt a Beach program. This month we had 18 teams (4 more than last month!)who contributed their time and energy to the community. I'll include a link at the end of this posting so you can see who they are.
There is a special place in my heart for those teams that consistently go out and do the cleanups every month and get their data sheets sent in to me like clockwork. Joe Zoller and his buddies come to mind, although there are others. Mark Aubrey (the Beach Master) once again deserves special recognition for going above and beyond. He is the reason why all of the beaches are getting the minimum cleanup. This month I counted 11 sections that would have had zero activity if not for Mark.
Here is a summary of what we accomplished this month:
Volunteer Stats:
18 teams were active and 22 sections were cleaned. A total of 135 cleanings were completed in July. There were 111 bags and 38 buckets used in the cleanup. There were 116 volunteers, logging in 92 hours.
Items Collected in June:
2185+ pieces of plastic counted, 240 glass, 174 cans, 4188+ cigarette butts, 10 animal waste, 1530 straws, 1741+ pieces of Styrofoam, 1558+ pieces of paper, and 724balloons.
Catch of the Month: I had a bit of a struggle reading the handwriting, but if I interpreted it correctly the San Clemente Green Team reported finding 3 action heroes in the sand! They didn't note which ones... I wonder if the heroes were there to help counteract some of the more dangerous things that were reported this month. Here's what I am talking about - The Zoller team reported finding and removing broken whiskey bottles in the tide line and a hypodermic needle and syringe (!)in the North Beach area. Another needle and syringe and 18 alcohol bottles were removed by the Miller/Wood team in the area of Lower Linda Lane Park. The Hikawa team reported finding several nails near the railroad tracks on the beach side of the North Beach Train Station to North Beach Burger section. I think these guys are the real super action heroes in disguise (don't worry we won't make you wear funny costumes)for getting these hazards out of our environment. Nice work!
The Party is on! By now you should have all received the invitation to the Adopt a Beach Team Social. They were sent out by Mary Vondrak in the Environmental Programs Department. Please mark the date on your calendars and be sure to send Mary your RSVP so we can plan accordingly. Thanks to Mary for handling the invitations and to Nanci Mavar for securing the location and funding for the event.
That's all the news I have for now. As always,I encourage you to post your comments and suggestions. Oh, and be sure and check out the Monthly report.
For the full report click here:
Saturday, July 19, 2008
June Gloom or ...
VICTORY!! And what better way to start off this blog entry than with a picture of two of our adopt a beach teams members - Brenda and canine companion Foxy of the Miller/Woods team.
WE DID IT AGAIN. For the 3rd month in a row now, EVERY section of the beach was cleaned at least twice. There were teams that even went way beyond the minimum commitment. Sections 19 - 22 were cleaned 9 times in June. Again, much of the credit here goes to the Beach Master. I counted a total of 12 sections that would not have gotten any coverage at all if he had not ventured out of his assigned area to help out. Thanks Mark! And thanks to all the other teams that were out there in June.
Here's a quick summary of your efforts:
Volunteer Stats:
14 teams were active and 22 sections were cleaned. A total of 91 cleanings were completed in June. There were 55.5 bags and 20 buckets used in the cleanup. There were 70 volunteers, logging in 50 hours.
Items Collected in June:
1221+ pieces of plastic counted, 149 glass, 175 cans, 2091+ cigarette butts, 2 animal waste, 725 straws, 1052+ pieces of Styrofoam, 178+ pieces of paper, and 430 balloons.
Catch of the Month: the most unusual item was reported by the Bonigut Family who found a mostly buried shopping cart in section 2 (North Beach Burger to 204) They contacted the City's beach contractor who later came to dig it up and remove it. Hmmm, I wonder how that got there. Maybe King Neptune was out shopping for a new wig (that was the catch of the month for May reported by the Headrick Family)!
Click here to see the full report.
You should know that the members of the Watershed Task force are pleased and excited about what you are doing. The Adopt a Beach Program is one of the first items on the agenda and there is always a lot of great discussion when I share what you are doing and the observations and suggestions that you pass on to me. In fact the Task force is so stoked that there is even some talk about us arranging a little team get together/celebration some time soon....
Stay tuned. I'm working with task force member and Adopt a Beach champion Nanci Mavar to nail down a venue and a date and other details. I'll send out more info as the plan evolves. In the meantime, thanks for giving us all reason to celebrate.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monthly Updates for April and May
Thought I'd kick things off for this post with a GREAT shot of the Lasuens Boardrider Club sent in by Team Captain Bo Burick. Looks like a fun group don't you think? Along with the Weller family, they are committed to keeping section #14 looking good.
Now, for the fun stuff - I have finished compiling all the data so you can see our collective accomplishments for the past two months. WOW WOW WOW! For the first time ever in the history of this program every single section of the beach/trail (all 22 sections!)has been cleaned. And if that weren't amazing enough, each section has been cleaned at least three times each month. If we keep this up we will have our beaches upgraded from a C to a B class rating for sure. You guys are unbelievable. Especially the Beach Master...
The Beach Master (Mark "Awesome" Aubrey) is a one person team who deserves special recognition for the work that he is doing. Although his "official" adopted area is section #21 (along with Jack and Ryan Baker and the Eads and Others teams), he frequently walks the entire length of the beach trail cleaning and meticulously recording data as he goes. It is largely due to his efforts that we can report consistent clean up coverage for ALL 22 Sections. I think you will all agree with me, after viewing the monthly summary reports that there is no upgrade required - The Beach Master is already a "Class A" adopter! Next time you are out at the beach and notice a long haired, deeply tanned man walking the beach/trail with a bag of "collectibles", a handful of data collection sheets, and a big smile on his face chances are it's the BeachMaster himself! Be sure to walk over and say hello.
Great Team Effort - Great Work
Litter is such a huge issue. It is common to feel overwhelmed and wonder just how much of a difference our efforts really make. Keep at it anyway. Every plastic bag bottle cap, silicon bait bit, piece of balloon, cigarette butt that you pick up is one vote for a beautiful clean environment and one less hazard to marine life. Collectively it all adds up. Picture this - last month your combined efforts removed 43 buckets and 68 bags of trash from our beaches and trails. Thanks to you, over 1,811 pieces of plastic, 906 straws, 872 balloons, 3,175 cigarette butts, and well over 1,947 pieces of Styrofoam were removed from San Clemente beaches/trail and kept out of the ocean. And that is just from one month of reported activity!
Summary Reports for April and May
As you can imagine, there is a lot of data coming in to me from the various teams so it takes a significant chunk of time to interpret, calculate and compile it. I get data sheets from different sources (faxed, email attachment, US mail and even hand delivered at events and WSTF meetings) so although I do my best to make sure that I have all the info represented it is possible that I may have missed a data sheet or two. If, after viewing the reports, you feel that is the case - just let me know and we will make the adjustments.
Also, please note that an absence of activity by a team name does not necessarily mean that the team is "slacking". Some of these teams are recent sign ups and are just starting to get into the routine. June data sheets are already coming in for many of them.
Click on the links below to see our adopt a beach progress for the past 2 months!
Monthly update for April
Monthly update for May
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Latest and Greatest...Keeping You Updated
What a fun group! Vernon & I had the opportunity to spend the morning with them and further promote the Adopt a Beach program last week when we presented "Trouble in Paradise - Taking Action Against the Trashing of Our Oceans" during the club's early morning breakfast meeting.

Sunday, May 4, 2008
San Clemente Earth Day Celebration 2008!
Don't let the picture fool you - this was probably the only time we sat down all day! The Earth Day Event was a whirlwind of activity - team members stopping by to say hello, dropping off forms and picking up supplies. To all of you who dropped by - thank you! I hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did. (By the way, the handsome man in this photo is my husband Vernon. From working the "front lines" handing out information and t-shirts to providing "behind-the-scenes" technical expertise, he is a great champion for the Adopt a Beach program!)
More Appreciation
I also want to recognize the following individuals who helped out at the Watershed Task Force tent through out the day:
- Briana Denney
- Andrea Toscano De Souza
- Nanci Mavar
- Bill Hart
- Ron & Melisa Perugini
By the end of the day we had 12 more teams signed up:
Our newest adopters include:
- Roderiguez Family
- Team Austin
- Boatright Family
- Riley Girls
- Ogden Bunch
- Jefferson Family
- Eco Systers or Team Mar-Brillo (final name to be determined)
- Ollie's Klean Kooks
- Fresh Ocean
- Zeweski Girls
- Cole Surfboards
Team Name Change
The Hoffman Family team name has been changed to Revenge of the Ronanites
Nine (9) Sections Are Now MAXED OUT!Nine of the 22 sections of beach have reached the 3 team limit and are closed to further adoption.
List of Locations and Teams
To see an updated list of teams by location click here
To see a summary report of activity and items collected during the month of March, click here
Coordination of Schedules between Teams
Now that we are doubling and tripling up on teams per section, it has become clear that there needs to be a centralized way for teams to connect with each other and coordinate clean up schedules. It is also clear that my plate is already too full to take on this additional level of coordination. Fortunately, Briana Denney, another Adopt a Beach volunteer, is stepping up to take this on. Yeah! So please be patient a little while longer, hold off on sending me your email requests for contact information, and expect to hear from Briana in the very near future.
Supply Pick Up
For any team leaders who did not make it to the Earth Day and still need to get their supplies, the next opportunity will be Tuesday May 15th, 6:30pm - immediately following the Watershed Task Force Meeting - in front of the Community Development Building at 910 Calle Negocio. I'll plan on sticking around for a few minutes after the meeting. Just look for the blue Prius filled with Adopt a Beach t-shirts, buckets and calipers!
What do you think of the Blog so far? Do you have an idea or suggestion that you feel like sharing with me and the other Adopt a Beach Team Leaders? Then please, let your voice be heard!
To post a comment:
- Navigate to the end of the post that you wish to comment on.
- Click on the "# comments" or "post a comment" link
- Type in your comment in the Leave Your Comment section
- Choose your appropriate identity from the Choose An Identity Section (see hint below) *
- Click on the Publish Your Comment field (important step - don't forget!) **
* HINT: Most people will want to choose the Name/URL identity where you can leave your nickname or favorite internet handle. There's no need to sign up for anything.
**NOTE: You won't see the comment posted right away - it will first come to me as the Blog Moderator. This is to keep unwanted spam out of our blog space. Once I review & approve it will post.
Friday, April 4, 2008
New Record Set for Beach Adoptions & More Exciting News
Great News! As of this week, ALL 22 sections of the beach/trail have been adopted! The interest has been so great that some sections now have 2 or even 3 teams assigned, with a total of 32 teams to date. According to Bill Hart, President of the Watershed Task Force, this is the greatest number of sign ups in the history of the program. Thank you all for helping to make this happen! I will continue to take requests until each section is "maxed out" at 3 per team. Our goal is to someday have enough coverage that the beaches are cleaned on a weekly basis. This is a big step in that direction.
In addition to all of the teams who signed up, there are a few other people who played a big part in making all this happen. Gold Sea Stars go out to...
- Norb Garrett and Fred Swegles for providing great press in our local media. The front page article and photo on the front page of the Sun Post News really got things rolling! I estimate that it was responsible for 90% of the recent inquiries and subsequent adoptions.
- Ken Nielsen for providing the photo from the Kick Off event that accompanied the articles.
- Nanci Mavar for organizing the Kick Off, ordering the clean up supplies, and being the overall champion of the program since its inception.
- Eric Norton for taking all those phone calls from potential adopters and forwarding the contact information to me for follow-up.
Speaking of press, I'm collaborating with Laura Fergeson on an upcoming article for the City Magazine. We'd like to include a photo of a volunteer team in action cleaning up their section of the beach/trail. This is another opportunity to promote the program and showcase the great work that you are doing. So don't be shy! Team Captains, take your camera and your creativity to "your" beach with you this weekend and send me your best stuff (by email attachment of course!) The deadline for the article is April 14th so I will need your photos ASAP. Although only one photo will be selected for the article, I plan to post the other photos on this blog.
The Watershed Task Force will be sponsoring a booth at the upcoming Earth Day Celebration at Parque Del Mar. I will be at the booth promoting the Adopt a Beach program from 10:00am to 2:00pm. I am thinking that this will also be a perfect opportunity for those teams who have signed up since the kick off to pick up cleaning supplies and t-shirts (one set per team). Please stop by to say hello and pick up your bucket of goodies!
Friday, March 28, 2008
More Teams Sign Up! / EARTH HOUR celebration
Just checking in to say hello and to give you an update on our Adopt a Beach program.
The front page write up in the Sun Post Times really got people's attention. The phones have been ringing off the hook. It seems that there are many many people out there like us who care about the environment and want to pitch in to keep the trails and beaches clean. We now have ten new team members joining us in our efforts, and I still have several more people to call back. Exciting!
Wicks Team is ON IT!
I received the first data collection sheet this week from the Wicks team. In addition to the usual trash of cigarette butts (139 of them!) styrofoam (230 little pieces) etc., they also found treasure! In this case the treasure was the people they encountered. One of them (Mark) was so inspired by what they were doing that he rushed home to contact me and adopted his own stretch of sand. A gold sea star to the Wicks team for great follow through and positive PR.
This Saturday (March 29th) we all have an opportunity to participate in an exciting global event on a local level. Gary and Laurie Headrick, founders of San Clemente Green, are the organizers. I'm happy to say that they are also part of the Watershed Taskforce and leaders of two Adopt a Beach teams! Put on a green sweater or hoodie and join us on Del Mar tomorrow night from 8:00 - 9:00pm. For more information check out the articles in the San Clemente Times and the San Clemente Sun Post News:
That's all the news for now. Thanks for all that you do! - Sherry
Monday, March 17, 2008
2008 Kickoff!
2008 Kickoff!
Hi there! Let me start off by saying how much fun I had meeting all of you at the Kickoff event. There was so much positive energy on the pier that morning with prior team members reuniting and new people coming on board. Lots of stories and ideas got shared over the coffee and muffins! Ever since that day, I've been pondering on how we might keep that spirit of camaraderie and collaboration going...
Fast forward to Saturday - I was out enjoying the sunshine when Aha! the idea came to me to create this blog for us. Will it do the trick? Time will tell. Also, I am counting on each of YOU to share with me (and each other) your ideas and opinions. It is easy to do - just click on the comment feature at the end of the posting and let your "voice" be heard!
Other items:
FORMS: I'm still waiting to get completed Registration and/or Volunteer Release forms from several teams. Please fax those in to 949-481-1847 without further delay!
PUBLICITY: The Kick Off was covered by our local papers (Sun Post News and San Clemente Times). In case you missed it, here are the links: (March 13-19 edition - bottom of page 4) (Friday, March 14 edition - Front Page!)
APPRECIATION: Once again, on behalf of the Watershed Task force, I want to shout out a huge THANK YOU to each of you for showing up and stepping up as good stewards of our precious coastline!
That's all for now - Enjoy! - Sherry