VICTORY!! And what better way to start off this blog entry than with a picture of two of our adopt a beach teams members - Brenda and canine companion Foxy of the Miller/Woods team.
WE DID IT AGAIN. For the 3rd month in a row now, EVERY section of the beach was cleaned at least twice. There were teams that even went way beyond the minimum commitment. Sections 19 - 22 were cleaned 9 times in June. Again, much of the credit here goes to the Beach Master. I counted a total of 12 sections that would not have gotten any coverage at all if he had not ventured out of his assigned area to help out. Thanks Mark! And thanks to all the other teams that were out there in June.
Here's a quick summary of your efforts:
Volunteer Stats:
14 teams were active and 22 sections were cleaned. A total of 91 cleanings were completed in June. There were 55.5 bags and 20 buckets used in the cleanup. There were 70 volunteers, logging in 50 hours.
Items Collected in June:
1221+ pieces of plastic counted, 149 glass, 175 cans, 2091+ cigarette butts, 2 animal waste, 725 straws, 1052+ pieces of Styrofoam, 178+ pieces of paper, and 430 balloons.
Catch of the Month: the most unusual item was reported by the Bonigut Family who found a mostly buried shopping cart in section 2 (North Beach Burger to 204) They contacted the City's beach contractor who later came to dig it up and remove it. Hmmm, I wonder how that got there. Maybe King Neptune was out shopping for a new wig (that was the catch of the month for May reported by the Headrick Family)!
Click here to see the full report.
You should know that the members of the Watershed Task force are pleased and excited about what you are doing. The Adopt a Beach Program is one of the first items on the agenda and there is always a lot of great discussion when I share what you are doing and the observations and suggestions that you pass on to me. In fact the Task force is so stoked that there is even some talk about us arranging a little team get together/celebration some time soon....
Stay tuned. I'm working with task force member and Adopt a Beach champion Nanci Mavar to nail down a venue and a date and other details. I'll send out more info as the plan evolves. In the meantime, thanks for giving us all reason to celebrate.
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